The film is directed by Richard V. Somes (the director behind the multi-awarded horror film “Yanggaw”) and also stars Mark Gil, Epy Quizon, Tetchie Agbayani, together with Maria Isabel Lopez, Bodjie Pascua, Mon Confiado, Mosang, Dan Alvaro, Sharlene San Pedro, Hermie Concepcion, Sue Prado and Laiza Comia.
Corazon; Ang Unang Aswang
Labels: Tagalog moviesThe film is directed by Richard V. Somes (the director behind the multi-awarded horror film “Yanggaw”) and also stars Mark Gil, Epy Quizon, Tetchie Agbayani, together with Maria Isabel Lopez, Bodjie Pascua, Mon Confiado, Mosang, Dan Alvaro, Sharlene San Pedro, Hermie Concepcion, Sue Prado and Laiza Comia.